Mastermind Commitment & Form

✓ You are willing to commit to yourself and your peers for 7 months. Live mastermind calls are mandatory (10 spread out over 7 months).

✓ You will be generous & abundant with knowledge & share valuable lessons & insights you've learned in business.

✓ You will be humble, vulnerable, & courageous by asking for help, feedback, are open to growing &learning personally & professionally.

✓ You're motivated & self-driven — Tiffany is a facilitator & WILL SHOW UP with all her knowledge; but true mastermind calls & hot seats are an "all in" group process. 

✓ "Masterminds" are tapping into the knowledge from the group. They require member interaction & collaboration every call.

✓ You're willing to share & not just ask. Every 2 hr live call, each member will get a 10 minute hot seat. You get 10 minutes, & so do the other 9 badasses. Come prepared to ask AND give. 

✓ Hot seats are the backbone of the mastermind & this is the most powerful time to tap into the collective brilliance of our group! 

✓ You don't want to waste your time. You're looking for strong structured mastermind live calls where you define goals & expect accountability

✓ You're committed to participating in our community for the next 7 months.

✓ This is where the bulk of feedback, interaction, support, problem solving, overcoming barriers and pain points will happen

**If you previously submitted this form you only need to provide your name and email